Volunteer Bond

The Thames River Paddling Club is a volunteer run organization.  The Volunteer Bond encourages full season members to help fill the operating and fundraising needs of the club.  Along with membership fees, members are required to submit a deposit of $100, in the form of a post dated cheque for October 1st, (a separate cheque from membership).  To receive the deposit back members are to complete 10 hours of volunteer work towards the club each season.  If the hours are not met the deposit is forfeited to the Thames River Paddling Club.  It is the clubs goal that its members play an active role in the club and the community.

Members are required to track their own hours.  If you are unsure what hours are eligible please confirm before completing the task.

There are several volunteer opportunities each season, including but not limited to:

  • Equipment Delivery & Launch (Apr 27 – May 5 tbc)
  • Wildwood Dragon Boat Challenge (May 24 & 25, 2024)
  • End of Season Equipment Pack-up (mid-late September)
  • Equipment Maintenance & Administrative Tasks (ongoing, please contact)

Please contact us for more information or if there are any questions.


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